This is less of a One Minute and more of a 30 Second Wonder. As previously mentioned, I can be prone to overthinking. From time to time, I submerge my sense of Reiki wonder and enter a vortex of unhelpful thought patterns. Monday was one of those days. By the time my husband returned from work, I had catastrophised my way through pretty much everything and ground to a halt. Not resourceful, not fun and definitely not the Reiki way! He patiently listened to me chat through my list of worries. You know what, as soon as I said them out loud, I had the necessary distance and recognised them for what they were: a list of “what ifs” and frankly overblown and unnecessary worries. The weight of them evaporated as the words left my mouth.
If you are suffering from prolonged and debilitating anxiety, please seek the help of a qualified professional. If you can’t see the wood for the trees from time to time, how about speaking to a trusted friend and saying your worries out loud. You never know, you might just gain some perspective and take the pressure off yourself.
In the meantime, if you could do with an hour of “me time” and relaxation, to allow you to reconnect with yourself, then do get in touch. You can be sure that I’ll hold space for you with empathy and compassion for your situation. None of us are impermeable islands of perfection, even if we sometimes pretend we are!
Jackie King-Turner
This is how to contact me to book a session (Reiki or Indian Head Massage):
07785 992928 or
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