I spend much of my time working with clients to assist them in moving away from patterns of thought and behaviour which no longer serve them. Frequently, the work I do with clients teaches me valuable lessons too. At a time of upheaval and change, I’m reflecting on what does and doesn’t serve me. New knowledge and understanding can bring about a dramatic change in values, behaviour and personal philosophy. Your personal pendulum can swing dramatically! It makes sense to try this expansion of your perspective on for size for a bit. See how it changes you and you adapt to it. You may well find new patterns of thought and behaviour which serve you very well at this time of your life. Harness your enthusiasm and see what happens! Is discarding everything about your old self always a sensible, or indeed practical idea? A dancer, for example, will spend hours perfecting a move, to the exclusion of all else. There comes a time when the new move needs to be included in the dancer’s repertoire and performed. A dance with one move in it would not hold an audience’s attention for long! The skill comes in identifying which moves need to stay in the repertoire and which can be jettisoned! The pendulum does not need to be fixed in place, but a gentle swing is potentially more beneficial than a big, dramatic movement.
If you’d like to explore how to integrate new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving into your life as it stands, please get in touch! I’d love to hear from you!
Jackie King-Turner
07785 992928
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