I find myself discussing a sense of purpose with my clients on a regular basis. As with most things, there are many ways to think about it! There is the sense of purpose which gets you out of bed in the morning to do whatever you have planned plus the inevitable unexpected things which come your way. Either way, your life has meaning. Alternatively, there is the sense that your life is part of some overarching grand plan, which sets you on a predetermined direction. This search may also give your life meaning, but as you do not know what this grand plan is, you need to devote significant time and energy to searching for it. Meanwhile, your daily life, activities and relationships trundle on regardless.
I find myself wanting to dig deeper into this need to identify one’s higher purpose. My instinct is that it feels too fixed and inflexible. My Reiki training has taught me that our souls are placed in a physical body to learn something, but at that point we forget exactly what that something is. Whilst we may spend time seeking, I’m not sure we’re meant to know at a conscious level what our lives’ higher purposes are. That’s up to the Universe’s power to place us where we need to be to learn what we need to learn. This is not to say that we have no direction or intent, because serendipity and flow happen along the way.
I have written before about moving through our immediate worlds with kindness and compassion for those around us and ourselves. To me, that is more important than striving to find our “one big thing”. We are diverse and complex beings. Let’s not restrict ourselves to one path set in stone!
If you’d like to try Reiki or Indian Head Massage for yourself, the first appointment is £30. I can offer appointments in Tysoe, Gaydon and Stratford. You can reach me to book either by phone 07785 992928, or email jackie@jackiekingturner.co.uk.
Jackie King-Turner.
Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Coaching, Mediumship
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